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2020-01-11   来源:江苏成考信息网    点击:


1. A come B some C move D love
2. A file B fight C film D final
3. A town B brown C shown D allow
4. A stronger B longer C singer D hungry
5. A world B worth C worse D worn
6. It was _______last week __________I knew the news.
A until; that B not until; when C not until; that D until; since
7. It by any chance someone comes to see me,___________ask them to leave a
A message B letter C sentence D notice
8. I ____________have been there, but I ______ not find the time.
A should; would B should; could C might; could D could; could
9. The stone was so heavy that it was difficult for the old man to _______ it.
A lift B reach C rise D touch
10. Hello, may I speak to Dr. Bush?
A Yes, I'm Bush B Yes, it's me C Here is Bush D Speaking
11. ______time flies!
A what B How C Which D That
12. ________late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.
A To sleep B Sleeping C Sleep D Having sleep
13. She the piano since she was a child.
A played B has played C have played D had played
14. When and where to build the new factory ________ yet.
A is not decided B are not decided C has not decided D have not decided
15.Since the road is wet this morning, last night ____.
A. it must be raining B. it must rain C. it must have rained D it must have been rained
16. The fact __________ his health is bad is not true.
A which B that C as D what
17. He came here ___ for making more money _______for working with you.
A not; yet B not because of; but C not; but D except; but
18. Mary doesn't like skating, does she?________, but she used to.
A Yes, she does B Yes, she doesn't C No, she does D No, she doesn't
19.It was in that big room ___I saw the great man.
A where B two hour C that D in which
20. He goes to work every day ________Saturday and Sunday.
A besides B on C without D except
Mr. Jones was traveling in a car. Soon after setting out from a village to drive to London, he heard a strange noise from the back of the car. Naturally, he 21 to have a look. He examined the wheels closely but found nothing wrong. 22 , he got back into the car and continued his way. The noise began almost immediately and was louder than 23 . Quickly turning his head, the man saw what appeared to be a great black loud following the car. 24 He stopped at a village later on, he was told that a queen bee must be 25 in his car as there were thousands of bees nearby.
26 Learning his, the man realized that the only way to get rid of the bees would be to drive away as 27 as possible. After an hour's hard driving, he arrived in London where he parked his car outside a hotel and went in to have a drink. It was not long 28 a waiter who had seen him 29 hurried in to inform him that his car was covered with bees. The poor driver telephoned the police and explained what had happened. The 30 decided that the best way to 31 the situation would be to call in a bee-keeper. In a short time, the bee-keeper arrived. He found the 32 passenger hidden near the wheel at the back of the car. Very thankful to the driver for his 33 gift, the bee-keeper took the queen and her thousands of 34 home in a large box. Then, the driver drove away in peace, 35 free from the "black cloud", which had hung over his car.
( )21. A moved on B got out C turned around D drove back
( )22. A However B Though C Instead D Therefore
( )23. A ever B the beginning C the past D early
( )24. A Until B Before C When D Sine
( )25. A taken B found C hidden D stored
( )26. A At B On C For D In
( )27. A carefully B quietly C bravely D quickly
( )28. A before B then C until D when
( )29. A come over B arrive C set off D leave
( )30. A waiter B driver C expert D police
( )31. A get rid of B go on with C clean up D deal with
( )32. A mistaken B anxious D unpopular D unwelcome
( )33. A worthless B expensive C unexpected D usual
( )34. A sisters B lovers C followers D prisoners
( )35. A by and by B at least C by all means D at present



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本文关键词: 2020年江苏成考专升本
本文地址: https://www.jsckw.cn/zhuanqiben/504.html

上一篇: 2020年江苏成考专升本英语预测试题及参考答案(5)






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